Parent Resources
Florida's Tools 

The Parent Guide to Multi-tiered System of Supports
- This brochure provides an overview of the Multi-tiered System of Supports and answers common questions parents often have about. This information is appropriate to share with all parents of students in Florida schools.
Parent Guide to multi-Tiered System of Supports - Spanish (PDF)
Parent Guide to Multi-Tiered System of Supports - Haitian Creole (PDF)
Districts and schools may want to add local contact information on the brochures. For assistance with adding local contact information, contact: Marsha Studdard at
Parent Information for Students Receiving Intensive Interventions
- This brochure provides information to parents of students receiving intensive interventions.
Parent Information for Students Receiving Intensive Interventions - Spanish (PDF)
Parent Information for Students Receiving Intensive Interventions - Haitian Creole (PDF)
Districts and schools may want to add local contact information on the brochures. For assistance with adding local contact information, contact: Marsha Studdard at
Florida's Parent Brochure: For Parents and Teachers
- This informational brochure on using student RtI data in a multi-tiered system of supports. A multi-tiered system, often referred to as the RtI framework, provides parents with an overview along with some ideas for how parents can get engaged with the school team. Recommendations are provided for parents if they believe their child is struggling, including a list of key questions to guide conversations with educators.
Florida's Parent Brochure (Spanish): For Parents and Teachers
- This is a Spanish version of the informational brochure on using RtI data in a multi-tiered system of supports that provides parents with an overview along with some ideas for how parents can get engaged with the school team. Recommendations are provided for parents if they believe their child is struggling, including a list of key questions to guide conversations with educators.
Florida's Parent Brochure (Creole): For Parents and Teachers
- This is a Creole version of the informational brochure on using RtI data in a multi-tiered system of supports that provides parents with an overview along with some ideas for how parents can get engaged with the school team. Recommendations are provided for parents if they believe their child is struggling, including a list of key questions to guide conversations with educators.
Evaluations for Special Education Services: Information for Parents
- This brochure clarifies the role of Special Education evaluation as part of Florida’s multi-tiered system of supports. The process for requesting an evaluation along with a description of what the evaluation might look like and what parents can expect from a special education evaluation are provided.
The Parent Resource Guide Print Version (ParentResourceGuide_print_final.pdf)
- The Parent Resource Guide Print Version is a half page flyer that schools can print and disseminate to parents and teachers for awareness of resources available to them to increase family engagement within a multi-tiered system of supports.
The Parent Resource Guide Digital Version (ParentResourceGuide_final2.pdf)
- The Parent Resource Guide Digital Version is for downloading and works great for parents and teachers who want to view and access a variety of specific resources to increase family engagement within a multi-tiered system of supports.
Presentation for Parent Audiences:
- This PowerPoint presentation was designed to provide an overview of using RtI data within a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to family and community member audiences to increase awareness and understanding of MTSS. The presentation includes speaker notes to ensure a consistent message is being shared with stakeholders. Educators can use this as a tool to increase awareness and understanding of MTSS among families and community members. Families can use this as a tool to increase their own knowledge and understanding of MTSS.
Presentation for Parent Audiences (Spanish)
- This PowerPoint presentation was designed to provide an overview of using RtI data within a multi-tiered system of supports to Spanish-speaking family and community member audiences to increase awareness and understanding of MTSS. The presentation includes speaker notes to ensure a consistent message is being shared with all stakeholders. Educators can use this as a tool to increase awareness and understanding of MTSS among families and community members. Families can use this as a tool to increase their own knowledge and understanding of MTSS.
Presentation about Parent Engagement for Educator Audiences
- This PowerPoint presentation was designed to increase educators’ knowledge and understanding of how to engage families as planning/problem-solving team members within the multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). This tool can be used for professional development to build capacity for engaging families in MTSS.
- This link provides parents with information about Statewide Standardized Assessments, Florida Education Standards, and the Department of Education
Academic, Social, and Psychological Engagement Apps for iOS Mobile Devices
- This informational resource provides families with applications that are specifically designed to help build their child's levels of academic, social, and psychological engagement. Depending on the application, they can be installed on an iPhone, iPod Touch, or an iPad and used with your child anywhere; on-the-go. This resource was developed by the Technology & Learning Connections Team, Florida's MTSS Projects, University of South Florida.