Foundation Beliefs
Florida’s educators who are involved in the systematic implementation of Florida’s MTSS share the following beliefs about the ideal educational conditions for promoting student achievement.
Using the following beliefs to guide our efforts is one way to ensure consistent movement toward maximizing student achievement:
- Highly effective personnel deliver scientific, research-based instruction and evidence-based practices.
- Evidence-based curriculum and instructional approaches have a high probability of success for most students.
- Instruction is differentiated to meet individual learning needs.
- Reliable, valid, and instructionally relevant assessments include the following:
- Screening Measures: Assessment tools designed to collect data for the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of core instruction and identifying students needing more intensive interventions and support.
- Diagnostic Measures: Formal or informal assessment tools that measure skill strengths and weaknesses, identify skills in need of improvement, and assist in determining why a problem is occurring.
- Progress Monitoring Measures: Ongoing assessment conducted for the purposes of guiding instruction, monitoring student progress, and evaluating instruction/intervention effectiveness.
- Formative Measures: Ongoing assessment embedded within effective teaching to guide instructional decisions.
- Summative (Outcome) Measures: Typically administered near the end of the school year to give an overall perspective of the effectiveness of the instructional program.
- Ongoing, systematic planning/problem solving is consistently used by teams including parents and educators, from enrollment to graduation for all students, to make decisions across a continuum of student needs.
- Student response to instruction/intervention (RtI) data are used to guide meaningful decision making.
- Job embedded, on-going, professional development and follow-up coaching with modeling are provided to ensure effective instruction at all levels.
- Actively engaged administrative leadership for data-based decision making is inherent to the school culture.
- All students and their parent(s) are engaged in one proactive and seamless educational system.