The basic elements of Florida’s MTSS are required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); therefore, they are the basis for all broad-based initiatives for schools striving to increase student outcomes.
Education initiatives share common core elements and goals for all Florida schools. Historically, however, they are each facilitated by different offices within the Department of Education that address specific content areas or stakeholder groups. Each set of efforts has been built upon common elements, but with single-purpose resources and in segregated activities. Each separate effort also involved a unique set of terminology, professional development requirements, and data collection and reporting systems, which resulted in district and school personnel perceiving that an overwhelming number of parallel initiatives were either required or encouraged.
The Florida Department of Education seeks to unify its efforts and resources to maximize efficacy and elevate the common beliefs through mutual understanding of the principal foundations of Florida’s MTSS and integrated implementation of that foundation throughout all statewide efforts.
- Differentiated Accountability
- Standards-based Instruction
- Collegial Learning, such as Lesson Study
- Teacher/Leader Proficiency Model
Read more about the partners in the state infrastructure. Florida’s educators who are involved in the systematic implementation of Florida’s MTSS share the following beliefs.