This website provides a central, comprehensive location for Florida-specific information and resources that promote system-wide practices to ensure highest possible student achievement in both academic and behavioral pursuits.
The collaborative vision of the Department and statewide projects, Student Support Services Project, Problem Solving/Response to Intervention Project (PS/RtI) and Florida's Positive Behavior Support Project (FPBS), supporting the implementation of Florida’s MTSS is to:
- Enhance the capacity of all Florida school districts to successfully implement and sustain a multi-tiered system of student supports with fidelity in every school;
- Accelerate and maximize student academic and social-emotional outcomes through the application of data-based problem solving utilized by effective leadership at all levels of the educational system;
- Inform the development, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of an integrated, aligned, and sustainable system of service delivery that prepares all students for post-secondary education and/or successful employment within our global society.